Welcome to the NipponKogakuKlub !



Welcome to Nikon fans, amators, professionals, collectors , or just curious...

According to my time and busy schedule, I will make my best to make this little website alive.

Do not hesitate to ask me any questions, I will try to answer as quick as possible, or ask a friend or fellow collector to do it, If I do not have the answer

Best regards


you want to contact me

a rare find ... a Nikon F5 ... like no other

A Mistery ... a Black Nikkor J ... Real or Fake ???

NIKON F4 NPS ... already heard of ???

Nikon FE A ... for very special divers...

Let start first, with a little bit of... HISTORY ... Follow me

JCII MUSEUM... guided visit... April 2004 Tokyo

Last Update:   #

October 25 th 2024

Data Backs ... made for F2 , F3 and F4, Real Rarities !!!

NIKONOS... From Model 1 to RS,

                     The complete Nikonos history...

The famous NIKON F who started the “legend“ of NIKON,

born in April1959, 60 years ago...

The   NIKON SAGA !!!!

On  NIKON FRANCE request ..., I realised a video Movie on  NIKON History...

Here are some images of the  « making of » ...

It is NOW on line !!!!

Go check it on the  Nikon French site

(sorry ... French only for the moment...)


The mythic  F2   System 1971 to 1980 , the ultimate F

the richest system of all.

The F3 System

1980 to 2003, first avoided by professionals, then adopted !!!

KS 80 A very strange  NIKON F,

  here is the history of  very special camera ...

Fish Eye Lenses

Legendary 180° Fish Eye Lenses ... for Film or Digital

Saint NIKON No, you DO NOT dream.... He DID exist...

                      Let read the history of this Russian Patriarch

Nikon Screen Tester  Strange accessory, reserved to dealers.

created for the F, but does exist for F2 and F3

Give it a shot ...

F3 US NAVY    another specially modified body,

for the submarines of the  NAVY  ...

a Historical NIKON F 
Tim Page, famous war photographer, was a Nikon fan ...

Here is one of his cameras, who «made the war»....

Nikon Pins  No more in favor of the public...
Pins are still made (and even sold by Nikon),

but stay great collectible items, all over the world

Miniature Cars  Any collector has a child soul...

so it was normal to see some «toy cars» ...

A very early NIKON F the 204 th ever made...

With all the details of the first legendary camera.

Jacobson Blimps  Movie Industry needs silence !!!!
Stage photographers know that, of course, and they do use «blimps»,

made by  JACOBSON , always in activity in Hollywood (CA)

Optical Equipment  Nikon, as soon as they started, worked dor scientists and opticians.
Discover Microscops, Vertexometers and slit lamps.

Rare FM2 
Exceptional cameras, limited series ...
Here are the  FM2  Titan , FM2 Lemix and 80 th Aniversary model

FM «GOLD » - 300 Samples - 1977
For the 60th Aniversary of the company,
Nikon decided to produce a Gold «FM»
300 samples only, OFFERED ...
( never sold on the market )

Smallest Nikon F ....
Nikon F and FT + 200 mm Lens ..
Gold plated ..and Miniatur

Recently discovered by a friend in Japan ...
Help us find out the real use of that « Survey Camera »

Nikon Museum - Tokyo
Preparing the 100 th Anniversary ( July 2017),

Nikon opened an extraordinary Museum in Tokyo.
Follow me for a visit  ...

Nikon Optics
Since 1946, Nikon produce Medical glasses.
Today he is leading the industry in that domain.

Microscope JOICO 1926

First product sold officially by Nikon
Company name was JOICO
(Japan Optical Company Ltd)

Nikon 100th Anniversary Prototypes Exhibition
First time that Nikon shows officially some of their Prototypes

Nikkorex F  BLACK... 200 Samples only
Made on order for Norvegian Army

Nikon Displays 

Camera, lenses, or accessories display...
Enter the magic world of  «Display» !

Nikon SB 6

Stroboscopic Flash with all accessories
Boxed ...  Rare find.

7 x 50 Binoculars - PROTOTYPES

Prototype of a more compact design than regular model


Nikon SP Rangefinder Brightline Illumator
Wonderful and rare accessory exclusively made for SP

FA «GOLD »  - 1984
Commemoration of Camera Grand Prix in 1984

2000 samples were made, only Gold plated camera sold by Nikon.

Holy Grail !  13 MM f:5.6
Supreme Wide Angle !!!
118° view angle WITHOUT distortion (Rectilinear)
Produced from 1976 to 1998

Stuffed Animals

Cute stuffed animals ..
Thanks to Nikon USA ( mostly)

DCS 100

Octobre 1991
Premier appareil numérique PRO

Telephone Cards

More easy to find in Japan, telephone cards are predecessors of cell phones.
Of course, many «Nikon» were made,

including in Russia and Germany.

Nikon FM2 Demi Format

39 exemplaires au monde
Peut être le plus rare de tous les Nikon jamais fabriqués...


USB keys, hard drives or key rings...
Lot of various gimmicks,

all signed “ NIKON“.


Mugs or Cups...

For coffee or tea...

but all « NIKON».

Digital Cards

CF, SD, XQD ... cards

Signed NIKON.

Nikon Lenses Prototypes Exhibition
Exhibition of 60  lenses «prototypes»...
Some were produced, other never...

FUJIIS Bros 1917

Fujiis Bros Victor is one of the Three companies who were merged to create the Nippon Kogaku K.K. in 1917

Microscope H  - 1958

First Microscope, and certainly Nikon product, who was launched in space ( SKYLAB)


one of the 50 samples made specially for  NASA


Manchu Nippon kogaku factory 1931

Nippon Kogaku factory in Mandchuria


Various Knives, and even  «cutters»



Many were made(mostly ZIPPO, of course), but some others too.




Many watches have been made...
A nice item to wear everyday.

Nikon Museum - Souvenirs
At the Museum entrance, there is a shop where you can get some rare articles, made for a short period of time.


Pens and pencils ... 
Advertising or not... Nice items anyway.


Mostly sold products, but some gimmicks too.


Ash Trays, Golf Balls, Belt buckles ...

you name them !!!

F2  # 7100013 ....

13 th F2 body ever built ...

QV 1000 C

August 26th  1988
First Nikon Still Video camera

1200 - 1700 mm

Biggest Zoom ever built by Nikon

December 1993 ... rarest bird ever


Ties from USA, Japan and other countries